Mark Kackstetter/MK Concrete
Is this your company?
11/19/2006 20:10:00
Principal Address:
15455 Wyeport Road Ramona CA 92065
(760) 789-9675
Report This Employer
Yell at this employer!
Below is the information and any images we have received about Mark Kackstetter/MK Concrete (See disclaimer). This information has been reported to the FBI, ICE, and the Social Security Administration. The informants may choose to remain anonymous.
Submitted Images
Submitted Evidence
  • I have the California Highway Report with Mark Kackstetter admitting to hiring this illegal alien who was driving a company truck assigned to him by Mr. Kackstetter, owner of MK Concrete. This illegal alien was driving the truck drunk and hit my 22 year old daughter and killed her. He than took off and ran away and was caught 2 miles away from the scene. This illegal alien has 4 prior DUI convictions and was Formally Deported in March of 2006. He was hired in June by MK Concrete, was asked for a drivers license by Kackstetter and the alien told him he lost it so Mr K told him to go to DMV and get new one. Never happened. The alien was given assignment of the truck that killed my beautiful Angel. I have yet to even hear from the company to apologize or anything. We as her family are not going to allow her tragic story to be swept under the rug as so many crimes occur committed by the illegals coming into this country and the lowlife scumbags that hire them as well need to be prosecuted. My daughter was just beginning her life and to have it be so violently taken is just not acceptable. Wake Up America. Please stop hiring illegals. Do not give them a reason to come here illegally. Maybe just maybe it will stop another innocent life from being taken. I wish this pain on no other mother. Please pass on the story of my Angel, Amy Marie Kortlang, help me keep her memory alive ! Thank You, Melanie Kortlang,, an outraged mother !!!