Williams Construction Company
Is this your company?
1/8/2006 13:13:00
Principal Address:
1481 Santa Cruz Street Laguna Beach CA 92651
(949) 494-4043
Report This Employer
Yell at this employer!
Below is the information and any images we have received about Williams Construction Company (See disclaimer). This information has been reported to the FBI, ICE, and the Social Security Administration. The informants may choose to remain anonymous.
Submitted Images
Photo of employer at Day Laborer Site
Close up of employee in the pick up truck
Submitted Evidence
  • Employer was caught picking up day laborers near 1765 Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach, CA on January 7th, 2006.
  • Please remove my picture from your website. I am not working for Williams Construction and never did and probably never will since I am a software designer. Hardware is not my specialty :-) On that day, Charlie lent me his truck because I was moving. Since we are friend, he offered his truck. I went and hired 2 workers from the Laguna Canyon day worker hiring area, which as far as I know is not illegal and actually endorsed by the city of Laguna. However the publication of my photo on a public website without my authorization seems to violate my right to privacy. http://www.publaw.com/photo.html Also the wrongful accusations on this website about Williams Construction hiring practices seems to constitute defamation. http://www.expertlaw.com/library/personal_injury/defamation.html I am asking you again to remove my pictures from your website and not to associate the hiring of those 2 day workers on that day with William Constructions. Regards Pascal D.