Please complete the following form to add evidence against Xmas Lights Installed Tree Haul Off
* Required entry

Instructions: Please provide as many verifiable facts as possible. How do you know the company employs illegals? How do you know the information you are providing is true and accurate? If you were presenting this information to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE which used to be the Border Patrol), what would you tell them? If you don't have hard evidence, why do you suspect the employer? Write that here.

Mere listing of a business is insufficient and unhelpful. There must be some supporting "evidence" or a description of the "reasonable suspicion" as to why the company is being reported.

Also please note: (WHA) in no way endorses or encourages the use of terms commonly understood to hold negative racial or ethnic connotations. Anyone submitting information to WHA is strongly advised to avoid using such terms in their submissions, as it likely will prevent the information from being posted. WHA does, however, reserve the right to accurately reproduce third-person dialogue and testimony presented as evidence that an employer is hiring illegal labor, even with questionable terminology in contained therein. If in WHA’s best judgment, the context in which the terminology is presented shows the poster is not indicating his/her own views or otherwise advocating racially negative views, but rather truthfully reproducing the dialogue of others, and if such dialogue is an integral piece of evidence against an employer, it may be permissible in narrow circumstances.

The text entered below may appear on our website.


You may contact me with the below information to verify this info.
If you are a current or former employee of this organization, PLEASE consider leaving your contact information, so that we may get further information from you.
Any contact information submitted below will not be released to third parties without your consent or a court order.
Please Note: This information will be sent to ICE, FBI, SSA, and possibly a state taxing authority. Falsely submitting information on this form could be construed as filing a false report with federal agencies.
I consent to submitting this information to the authorities and represent that it is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.