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7/20/2005 22:54:45
Principal Address:
Atlanta GA
(770) 433-8211
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Below is the information and any images we have received about Home Depot (See disclaimer). This information has been reported to the FBI, ICE, and the Social Security Administration. The informants may choose to remain anonymous.
Submitted Images
Submitted Evidence
  • The fact that Home Depot hires illegal aliens has been published nationwide. They even admitted to it.
  • Article that describes Home Depot's hiring practices: "La Raza was candid. The agreement with Home Depot means violating the U.S. Immigration law by taking illegals now congregated into the parking lot and giving them jobs within Home Depot." "In launching this new partnership with Home Depot, it will be a sign that our folks are not just waiting in the parking lot (illegal aliens on Home Depot property in violation of U.S. immigration law) but are actually working inside the stores (in violation of U.S. immigration law)," said Tom Espinoza, president and chief executive of La Raza Development Fund, NCLR's subsidiary in Phoenix. It will mean that more Latinos will be employed by Home Depot." (The Business Journal of Phoenix - February 16, 2005) Full Article: http://magic-city-news.com/article_3515.shtml
  • Home Depot has a store in Glendale,Ca. with a lounge for illegal day laborers. A new store is opening in Burbank,Ca. that also will have one of these lounge areas. Home Depot will pay $94,000 a year to Catholic Charities to run it. This does nothing but encourage more illegals to flood our state. As reported on KFI am 640 on 1-10-06.