Wash And Roll
Is this your company?
3/6/2024 07:13:45
Principal Address:
1274 East Florence Blvd. Casa Grande CA 85222
(520) 836-3398
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Below is the information and any images we have received about Wash and Roll (See disclaimer). This information has been reported to the FBI, ICE, and the Social Security Administration. The informants may choose to remain anonymous.
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Submitted Evidence
  • Until very recently, I worked for the US Border Patrol. On occasion I would frequent the car wash "Wash and Roll" in my marked service vehicle. The reactions of the people that washed and dried the vehicle, while I remained in it, was typical of illegal aliens I had arrested in the field. Upon seeing me in uniform they became noticeably nervous and suddenly avoided eye contact with me. i found this behavior typical of illegal aliens. Somehow they think that if they act like they don't see an Immigration Officer, then the Immigration Officer will not see them. The foregoing coupled with the fact that very few of those working there have a working/conversational knowledge of the English language, leads me to believe that the business establishment knowingly hires illegal aliens. Additionally, I once informally queried the manager of the establishment as to whether the workers were lawfully present in the United States. He became hostile, in an overreactive way, at my suggestion that he would even consider hiring illegal aliens.
  • I too am a Border Patrol Agent in Casa Grande and know that illegal aliens work at Wash and Roll. Sorry I'd like to go and sack them up but it's not our mission. We're too busy looking for terrorists. I had a converstation with one of the workers from Veracruz, MX. She told me she was not hear legally.