Multicultural Area Health Education Center
Is this your company?
7/21/2005 15:44:00
Principal Address:
5051 East Third Street Los Angeles CA 90022
(323) 780-7640
Report This Employer
Yell at this employer!
Below is the information and any images we have received about Multicultural Area Health Education Center (See disclaimer). This information has been reported to the FBI, ICE, and the Social Security Administration. The informants may choose to remain anonymous.
Submitted Images
Some staff at MAHEC
Luis Mata - Founder
Ana Zepeda
Submitted Evidence
  • 1. Ana obtained a falsified green card to register as student at California State University in Los Angeles, where she obtained a degree. The falsification of documents was done for the main purpose to not pay foreign student fees and qualify for scholarships. 2. Ms. Zepeda does not have a Social Security Number. She is using an ITIN Number provided by the IRS. Pays no taxes from her employment. 3. Ms. Zepeda does not have any California identification other then the Student I. D. and the so called, Matricula Consular, given to her by the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. Ms. Ana Zepeda is driving without a California License. 4. Ms. ZepedaS employer, Multicultural Area, Health, Education Center, also hires other undocumented aliens.
  • Multicultural Area Health Education Center has changed their web site to